Use the links below or tabs on left menu to get a description of and how to find a specific type of IRS document. Go to the Regulations page for Treasury Regulations and Proposed Treasury Regulations.
Process for Source gathering for IRS Documents
Try Google search with document number and limiting by filetype:pdf - for example rev rul 2005-31 filetype:pdf. You can edit the document abbreviation and number to use this search box.
These sites have links to numerous different types of documents. Use the drop-down menu or lnks in box at left for specific types of documents. Sources with pdfs are noted.
Print resources (most useful for older documents)
Abbreviations key for frequently cited IRS (and other useful) documents (Bluebook format in italics):
Much of the content of these IRS Documents subpages was adapted from NYU's Federal Tax Research guide by AnnMarie Zell. Many thanks to AnnMarie.