The Statutes at Large (abbreviated Stat.) contain the laws passed by Congress and signed by the President. These laws as passed are assigned "Public Law" numbers. The Statutes at Large contain the Public laws arranged chronologically. So you will find Public Law 111-148 from 2010 in Statutes at Large volume 124 on page 119. The citation would appear as 124 Stat. 119 (2010).
Each of the documents listed in the abbreviations in the box below will have a variety of sources. Here are the most likely databases/websites to find these documents.
Federal Legislative History - generally
Proposed legislation - Bills
2. Hearings
3. Committee Reports
4. Debates
H.Rpt, H.Conf.Rpt=House Conference Report (may be same as for House Report)
S.Rpt=Senate Conference Report (same as for Senate Report)example: H.Rpt 111-89
7. Presidential Signing Statement
WCPD=Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
DCPD=Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents
8. Public Law