When you need to find a reliable introduction to a legal subject area, or an in-depth treatment of a legal issue or topic, a legal treatise is often the best place to begin. Legal treatises present an organized, detailed explanation of a specific area of law, generally written by an expert or authority in that field.
Use the subject area links on this page or tabs on the left to go directly to the page where treatises for that subject may be found.
Many of the treatises included in this guide are available electronically via Lexis, Westlaw or West Academic and/or in print in the Law Library. Students and faculty will need to use their Lexis or Westlaw logins or portal login credentials for West Academic to access these treatises. Several are available or kept current only in electronic versions on Lexis, Westlaw or West Academic. Treatises available to current Hofstra University Law students and faculty through the Library's database subscriptions are noted.
Please note: This guide provides only a short list of key or preeminent treatises. Many more helpful treatises and other secondary works on these subjects are available in the Law Library's collection, either in print or online. To locate additional resources, use the Library catalog search box on each page of the guide or ask for help at the Law Library Reference Desk.